Monday 27 September 2010

Information About Propane Turkey Fryers

Propane turkey fryers are becoming all the more popular simply because of the delicious taste of the fried turkey. The main point of concern is that such fryers are extremely dangerous. The national fire protection association, one of the leading associations has strongly discouraged the use of propane turkey fryer because of the severe accidental hazards that such type of fryers may cause. Apart from the above mentioned association some other associations, such as the New York fire department has also discouraged the use of this particular type of fryer.

The propane fryers have also been put under alert by the consumer product safety commission because of the high level of associated dangers. A report sent by the safety commission has highlighted over more than one hundred incidents relating to the propane fryer hazards. A graphically display by means of a video at their website effectively portrays as to how quickly and violently such turkey fryers can erupt.

As there is no real temperature control that is associated with the propane turkey fryer so such fryers are considered all the more dangerous. In the case of the turkey heaters that have temperature controls generally have controlling systems that are unreliable as well as shoddy. Such substandard temperature regulating systems provide a sense of insecurity to the consumers.

It has to be borne in mind that the propane turkey fryer is mainly meant for outdoor usage only. The other point of worry with such fryers is that snow or rain effect such fryers abruptly as because the moment the snow splashes on the fryer it is turned into steam which can cause severe burns. The propane turkey fryer that is frozen in a partial manner can also pose severe threats. An unstable three leg base is also a point of major concern.

The author of this article loves cooking different type of dishes. Cooking is his favorite past time. Cooking related accessories assumes prime importance to him. For more free information one can always visit the sites and rival cookware.

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